Monday 4 July 2011

NFL outfits redesigned by Nike?

Ok, to most fans it is relatively old news now but I had to make it a feature so for those of you that haven’t seen or heard, well, my advice would be to not buy any team jerseys just yet. Next year Nike is set to get the uniform design licence for all 32 NFL teams. Expect a huge make over as Nike always like to demonstrate their creative flair and stamp their uniqueness. Although these jerseys have yet to be confirmed by Nike or the NFL, numerous news sources have displayed them as potential future jerseys for the 2012 NFL season.

Take a look and let me know what you think. Personally, I’m not so keen on the Eagles yet, maybe if the pants were a different colour. Rams, Colts and Cowboys all work very well with the blue, although Titans is a sky blue overdose in my opinion. Vikings and Dolphins both top the table for the worst colour combinations. Unfortunately for Browns fans it looks like the creativity levels in your uniforms look to have reached their summit. I think any kit with a full colour, without variation just doesn’t go and I’m not to keen on the helmet redesigns as well if this takes place. Still, very smart, but it will be interesting to see how some of the bigger players mould into these sleek new concept designs.

Check it out…Nike Redesigned NFL Outfits.

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